July week 1 – Guests get amongst some real silver

The first week in July couldn’t have started any better for my guests with 4 of them catching their first migratory fish ever in the space of 4 days, as always for me this is the closest you can get to catching one yourself and sometime’s i feel like i’m more excited than them when that silver is safely in the net.  After waiting and waiting for rain and experiencing the driest April, May and most of June in a long time we eventually got some long awaited rain which brought the Tyne back to life and the huge runs of eagerly awaited salmon and sea trout into the system. Here are a few short posts from a few of my guests in the first week of July.

The Italian job!

It’s amazing the characters you get to meet through fishing and this weekend was no exception. I had one hell of a laugh guiding Vittorio, Carlo and GiGi as they searched for their first migratory fish, even tho it was a first for them they fished like absolute troopers and managed to land 2 fish from 4 hook ups. I think you can all agree that their smiles say it all! Well done guys see you for round 2 soon..

Team Italy
Carlo with his first ever Salmon
When your prize is safely in the net
Vittorio with his first ever sea trout that was caught on the Tyne

The feeling of guiding someone to their first salmon doesn’t compare to anything else in the fishing world, and doing a double is just something else!

After being rained off the river yesterday i decided to take Matt and Bex to New Mills Trout Fishing Park to try smash a few trout PB’s which they did instantly, getting amongst some cracking fish and getting them geared up for a days salmon fishing once levels had dropped today.

Even tho levels were still high today it was never going to stop us chasing that ever allusive silver.  Both Matt and Bex had never fished for salmon before and they took to it like a duck to water and both fished their hearts out and managed a spectacular double. For both partners to land their first ever salmon on their first day of trying is something i am proud of and will never ever forget. Well done guys!!!!

Bex smashing her brown trout PB
PB 2 smashed with this cracking rainbow
Fishing couple goals
In the net and kept wet
Matt with his first ever salmon and what a belter it was
Back he goes
Bex with her First ever salmon
A quick pic before release
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